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Surrey Freemasons donate £2,500 to Stripey Stork Charity in Reigate

The Stripey Stork Charity in Reigate were the beneficiaries of a £2500 grant for the MCF.

The charity were visited by W Bro Stephen Sayer and his wife Janet, accompanied by W Bro Steve Jones, Secretary of the Provincial Charity Commission.

This amazing Charity supplies children clothes, equipment, furniture and toys to families suffering financial hardship in Surrey.

They are grateful for any donations and are also looking for volunteer’s to assist in the project.

It was humbling to hear the stories of those the Charity had helped and disturbing to learn of the hardship experienced by so many families in what we consider to be an affluent area.

The contrast was pointed out to the visitors between the haves and the have not’s is even more noticeable in Surrey.

The grant made by the MBF will be used to fund a colleague who will be going out into the Province and promoting what Stripey Storks can offer those vulnerable families by working with health and social services.

To find out more and get involved if you wish, they would love to see you!

Look out for the opportunity to visit other local Charities who Freemasons in the Province have supported!