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Summer Fair hailed as a success for Ecclesholme

It was overwhelmingly agreed that the day was a ‘wonderful effort’ by everyone who was involved with the annual summer fair held at Eccles Masonic Hall, Elm Bank, Eccles. As usual, the fair was held in support of the Association of Friends of Ecclesholme Benevolent Fund in helping to raise much needed funds for the residents at Ecclesholme Masonic Residential Home.

Danny and Kath Jones open the annual Ecclesholme ‘Summer Fair’.

Danny and Kath Jones open the annual Ecclesholme ‘Summer Fair’.

The Deputy Grand Superintendent Danny Jones and his wife Kathleen were the principal guests at the event which again was well supported by the Assistants to the Provincial Grand Principals in the Royal Arch as well as present and past group chairmen. They were also joined by many brethren, their wives, children and grandchildren who all did their bit in making the fair a huge success!  So much so that the profit on the day was in excess of £1,792, an increase on the total from the previous summer fair. Ticket sales receipts were also being sent in on a regular basis and it is hoped that these sales would bolster the total.

Danny Jones opened the fair and explained in some detail what the association had done over the 40 years in which Ecclesholme had been open. He congratulated the committee members and their helpers on successfully running the summer fair over the last 21 years.

He spoke highly of the efforts of the Ecclesholme Manager Bev Niland along with her staff’s efforts in also assisting so much with the event. A special mention was also made to the ladies from the Salford area in the Province of East Lancashire for their continued support of both the annual fairs held at Elm Bank. Danny also thanked the hall manager and his staff at Eccles for the support they give each year to the event.

Greenalls Brass Band entertains in the grounds.

Greenalls Brass Band entertains in the grounds.

Ogden Coaches, who have for many years been so supportive of the fairs, were thanked for again sponsoring the ‘Greenalls Brass Band’, who each year come along to entertain those attending the fairs and then go over to Ecclesholme to entertain the residents.

Finally, Danny expressed his gratitude to everyone who had again supported this fund raising event for the support generated by brethren and their families raising much needed funds for the benefit of the residents at Ecclesholme.

The Provincial Grand Almoner of the Province of Cheshire David Dobbs then presented Danny with a cheque for £4,000 in favour of the ‘Friends of Ecclesholme’. This has been a regular and greatly appreciated gift to the home for a number of years from the Freemasons of Cheshire and it was suggested that in the near future the Province of Cheshire may become a member of the association. David said how happy they were in Cheshire to support the association in conjunction with both East and West Lancashire in providing amenities for the residents at Ecclesholme.

This year the entertainment for the fair was set up outside the hall and the home’s staff put three extra stalls on in the grassed area outside the Masonic hall. The bedding plant stall staffed by members of the Warrington Group was in this area together with the ‘hot dog’ stall provided by Peter Hegarty, who again did an excellent job assuaging any hunger pangs!

The Association of Friends of Ecclesholme would especially like to thank everyone who came along on such a beautiful sunny day and helped to make the event such a wonderful occasion. Hopefully, more brethren, partners, friends and family will come along to the next fair which is to be held on Sunday 27 November, at Eccles Masonic Hall, Elm Bank. when they will hopefully have the Deputy Provincial Grand Master of East Lancashire attending to open the Christmas Fair.

Pictured from left to right are: Walter Grundy (Ecclesholme Almoner for the Province of Cheshire), Kath Jones, Danny Jones, David and Mrs Dobbs and Ian Newby (RMBI Trustee for North of England).

Pictured from left to right are: Walter Grundy (Ecclesholme Almoner for the Province of Cheshire), Kath Jones, Danny Jones, David and Mrs Dobbs and Ian Newby (RMBI Trustee for North of England).

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Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire
Rossendale Masonic Hall
Ashday Lea,
Haslingden Road

Telephone: +44 (0)1223 471586 (answerphone) |
Email: [email protected]

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