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St Werburga Lodge’s “Cultural Fusion” night

Almost ninety people supported St Werburga Lodge and its very first “Cultural Fusion” night at the Grange Banqueting Suite on Saturday, 7th May.  After feasting on Indian food, the diners enjoyed a display of Bollywood dancing and had the opportunity to learn the moves.  See here to share the fun.

A raffle raised £505 for the Provincial Grand Charity’s fund for special community events and an auction of two canal boat cruises added a further £430.  The very kind gesture of a member of Lodge of Repose increased the total raised for this worthy cause to £1,000.

The photograph shows the Master of St Werburga Lodge, W Bro. Bhupendra Thanki, supported by W Bro. Ian Cunningham, handing over the money raised to W Bro. Philip Bowler, Special Events Co-ordinator, and W Bro. Mick Hitchcock, Provincial Grand Charity Steward.