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Southport on a par at the Old Links

The members of Southport Group held their annual golf tournament on a magnificent course in near perfect conditions at Southport Old Links Golf Club (SOLGC).

Robert Wright (left) presents the Col Wallwork Cup to Trevor Vearncombe.

Robert Wright (left) presents the Col Wallwork Cup to Trevor Vearncombe.

The event was very well supported with 32 golfers taking part. Following the distribution of prizes a magnificent £610 was raised for Masonic charities and a further £50 for Alder Hey Children’s Hospital; chosen by the Captain of Southport Old Links Golf Club for the hospitality shown by the staff and club.

In the absence of the current Southport Group Golf Society President, the event was honoured by the presence of the incoming president, Assistant Provincial Grand Master Robert Wright, who was pleased to present the prizes to the worthy winners.

The winner of the main event of the day, the Col Wallwork Cup was Trevor Vearncombe (North Meols Lodge No 5828) with a magnificent score of 40 points; Michael Fearnley (Duke of Connaught Lodge No 2919) and Vinny Wood (Formby Lodge No 5659) coming in as runners up.

The Harry Doughty Scratch Trophy was won by Phil Baines (Formby Lodge) and the David Foulds Chapter Cup was won by Martin Lockyer (Scarisbrick Lodge No2295). The Turner Trophy for competitors over 60 years old was won by James Forshaw (West Lancashire Lodge No 1403)

The visitor’s prize was well contested with a number of Masons from other groups as well as several non-Masons. The winner was the Captain of SOLGC Allan Johnson. The Walter Beaver Team Trophy was won by County Palatine Lodge No 2505 by the finest of margins of one point over North Meols Lodge.

The final prizes of the day were the draw tickets, which were sold during lodge festive boards during the season and they were won by John Taylor, David Howell and George Thorne, who received £40, £30 and £20 respectively for their lodge charities. As is traditional with the Southport Group Tournament, all money prizes won by the participants are given to the charity steward of their respective lodges or chapters.

Pictured left: Robert Wright (left) presents Allan Johnson with his trophy. Pictured middle: Robert Wright (left) presents James Forshaw with the Turner Trophy. Pictured right: Phil Baines (left) being congratulated by Robert Wright on winning the Harry Doughty Scratch Trophy.

Pictured left: Robert Wright (left) presents Allan Johnson with his trophy. Pictured middle: Robert Wright (left) presents James Forshaw with the Turner Trophy. Pictured right: Phil Baines (left) being congratulated by Robert Wright on winning the Harry Doughty Scratch Trophy.

The organisers thanked all the gentlemen and brethren who supported the event saying they looked forward to another very successful competition next year.