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South Wales Freemasons donate to Blood Bikes Wales

Blood Bikes, Wales, the fourth Emergency Service, after the police, fire and ambulance services, which is 100% charity funded and run totally by volunteer riders, provides a vital service to the NHS, transporting blood supplies, plasma, documents and other items between hospitals outside of weekday hours, on weekends and bank holidays. This service saves the NHS substantial sums which can be used for front line patient care.

A new motorcycle has been gifted by the Masonic Benevolent Fund of South Wales, and this will be going into service immediately. The photograph shows Blood Bike Wales Area Committee member W.Bro Andrew Morgan of Bonvilston with the new bike, together with Trustees of the Masonic Benevolent Fund of South Wales, W.Bro Simon Francis, W.Bro Martyn Ridge (Treasurer), and W.Bro Patrick Pattison.

In presenting a cheque for £6000 to W.Bro Andrew, himself a Freemason and very dedicated to the work of Blood Bikes, W.Bro Patrick said  “We are very pleased on behalf of our Committee of Trustees and the Freemasons of South Wales to make this donation to such a worthwhile and vital service to the community of South Wales.”