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Something different at Prince Edward Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 14


If you are available at 4.30 on Saturday, 23 July, you may like to pay a visit to Greenhead Masonic Hall in Huddersfield, particularly the Prince Edward Lodge of Mark Master Masons No. 14.

You will have the pleasure of witnessing a ‘Demonstration of a Scottish Mark Degree Ceremony’. I am aware that a number of our Brethren in the Province have witnessed the Ceremony, in fact some have actually been through it, but it will probably be a mystery to the majority of us. It will be performed by Brethren of the Lodge Possilpark, Glasgow No. 1330, Grand Lodge of Scotland , and will also include a fraternal visit from the Brethren of Lodge Tower, Glasgow No. 1523, some 30 Brethren from North of the Border.

This proposes to be a night to remember, ergo if you wish to be there please download the attached flyer, which contains all the information, menu etc. needed, and send to Worshipful Brother Fraser  McPherson, Secretary of Prince Edward.