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Skegness Freemasons Dedicate New Masonic Centre

Memorable Evening For Skegness Brethren

Friday the 17th of February 2017 will be a day long remembered in the annals of Skegness Masonic History as the day the official Dedication took place of the new Masonic Centre on Holly Road, Skegness. The determination, hard work and enthusiasm of the Skegness Lodges came to fruition when the Provincial Grand Master for Lincolnshire, Right Worshipful Brother Graham Ives, accompanied by his Provincial Team, distinguished guests, visitors and Brethren celebrated the Dedication of the new building to the benefit and good purposes of Freemasonry.

A warm Masonic welcome, from the Brethren of Lumley Lodge No 1893 and St Clement Lodge No 4300, greeted all those attending and the mood was set for a splendid ceremony in the Lodge Room.

After the Opening of the Lodge, the Provincial Grand Master, Rt W Bro Graham Ives, accepted the gavel which was tendered by Bro Carl Hird, the Worshipful Master of St Clements Lodge who took the Chair in the Lodge Room on behalf of the Skegness Brethren. There then followed an excellent Dedication Ceremony before the Provincial Grand Master relinquished the gavel to the Worshipful Master.

Following the Closing of the Lodge, the Brethren retired for a splendid Festive Board which was Chaired by Bro Noel Finnegan, the Worshipful Master of Lumley Lodge No1893. During both the Ceremony in the Lodge Room and at the Festive Board, the Provincial Grand Master commended the decision of the Skegness Lodges to move from the old premises to a new purpose built Centre. He paid great tribute to the hard work of the Committee and all those involved in the construction of
the wonderful building and wished them many happy years of enjoyment in it.

The night passed quickly and all too soon it was time for the many visitors and Brethren to head home fully satisfied that Skegness had a splendid Centre which did Skegness and the Province of Lincolnshire proud.

More about Skegness Freemasons here

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