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Sharing the Work


Sharing the Work

Sharing the Work

On Tuesday 18th October 2016 a demonstration of the sharing of the First Degree Ceremony was performed at Pillar Lodges regular meeting. Brethren from the three Egremont Craft Lodges came together to work the ceremony, namely Kenlis 1267, Copeland 4607 & Pillar 7615. The Sharing of the Work ritual has been kindly provided by W.Bro Peter Mason.
The aim of the Shared Ceremony is to show that up and coming Brethren can take on ‘bite sized’ parts of the ceremonies, making it less daunting to take office, and ultimately, obtain the Chair of their respective Lodge. Past Masters also have a role to play, as they can continue to be involved in delivering parts of the ceremonies, thus keeping a sense of involvement after their term as Worshipful Master, and involving more members certainly increases the camaraderie amongst the Brethren of the Lodges, as they are all involved in performing a well delivered ceremony.
This was found to be true after the demonstration at Egremont, with the added bonus of bringing Lodges together, and creating a better atmosphere, with more Brethren in attendance.
W.Bro Peter Mason is happy to support any Lodge or Lodges who would like to perform the shared Degree format.
The Brethren who took part in the Ceremony were:
W.Bro Joe Wildig, W.Bro Philip Hurst, W.Bro Andrew Moore, W.Bro Stan Moffat, W.Bro Paul Scrugham, W.Bro Laurence Hinde, W.Bro Robert Mason, W.Bro David Foster, W.Bro John Moffat, W.Bro Robert Nicholson, Bro Ian Patterson, W.Bro Michael McCrickard, W.Bro Alan Waugh, W.Bro Colin Wildig, W.Bro Calder Fenwick & W.Bro Andrew James.

Submitted on 24th October 2016  by W.Bro. Andrew Moore

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