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AMD London – Second of the District’s luncheons


The second of the District’s luncheons was held April 6th at the Bleeding Heart restaurant in the middle of Hatton Garden. After a refreshing glass or two of fizz, the 50 or so members and guests took their seats and were given a warm welcome by the District Grand Prefect, R.W.Bro Colin Woodcock.

We were then treated to a fascinating presentation on Jack the Ripper by criminologist Attilio Grandani. In his inimitable style, Attilio transported us back to 1888 and the 5 gruesome murders committed by Aaron Kosminski – or were they? Attilio explained that not only was there a question mark over exactly how many “ladies of the night” had met their grisly end in Whitechapel at the hands of the Ripper, but that the jury was most definitely out on whether the likely perpetrator was indeed Kosminski.

After having heard about the horrors of late nineteenth century East-end London, we then enjoyed a most delicious meal of pumpkin soup, roast maize-fed chicken and a mandarin and blossom honey mousseline. The beautiful room we were in buzzed with conversation and laughter the whole time.

At the end of the lunch, the District Grand Prefect thanked Attilio for his presentation, Scott Cargill for organising the lunch, Julian Trought for taking photographs and the restaurant staff for looking after us so well. Colin finished by saying that, in the style of the James Bond films, “we will return” with another luncheon being planned for October – so keep an eye on the AMD London website and Facebook page for more information!

Richard Criddle

AMD London Comms Team