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Ruislip St. Martins Lodge, No. 9125 – Banner Dedication Ceremony – Report

On Monday 19th September, Ruislip St Martin’s Lodge, No.9125 celebrated the dedication of their banner and a University Scheme passing ceremony with 75 brethren in attendance.

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The guest of honour was the R W Bro Sir David Wootton – Assistant Grand Master who was accompanied by W Bro Edward Lord – chairman of the Universities Scheme and the Rev W Bro Frank Ward – Provincial Grand Chaplain.

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The lodge was also honoured by the attendance of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master – V W Bro Simon Thoday and members of the Provincial Executive.

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The Assistant Grand Master and Provincial Grand Chaplain conducted a splendid banner dedication ceremony with the banner kindly provided by founding member W Bro Mike Foxwell, and was paraded around the temple by another founder – W Bro Ian Seely.

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The banner dedication was followed by the passing of one of the lodge’s University Scheme candidates, Bro Asaad Sareeh and an excellent festive board.

W Bro Nick Grossman
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