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Roll Call Lodge, No. 2523 raise another £1,000 for The 2020 Festival

Roll Call Lodge, No. 2523 raise another £1,000 for The 2020 Festival

The Worshipful Master of Roll Call Lodge, No. 2523, W. Bro. Roy Woods and his wife recently hosted a fantastic weekend away, at which over £1,000 was raised.

We stayed in a beautiful hotel just outside Winchester, the Norton Park Hotel, Sutton Scotney.

The weekend was very well attended, with 79 of us for the weekend, with our friends and family.

On the Friday night we were in a 18th century barn conversion and the Saturday in the hotel.

We raised just over £1,000 and we will be sending £1,000 to The 2020 Festival, the remainder we will be holding on to, as we always like to send teddy bears to the children in hospital on Christmas Day at Kingston Hospital.

Roll Cal - Ladies Festival

W. Bro. John Hoare
Roll Call Lodge, No.2523