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REMAF hold another enjoyable luncheon with a talk about our history

Members of REMAF (Retired Masons Fellowship) were reminded of the War Time years when the Americans came over to the UK; it was Jazz, Jitterbugs and Jeeps when they held their Ladies to Dine Luncheon at Ellesmere Port Masonic Hall.  The Americans or whom we affectionately called “Yanks” were everywhere; over 1.5 million came to the UK, working from 700 bases throughout the country and after the War had married 60,000 citizens of the UK. REMAF President Norman Jarvis introduced the afternoon speaker Rina Tillinger a former American born during that era now living in the UK for 30 years who illustrated her talk with slides and told everyone about Waxy Chocolates, Nylon Stockings with seams up the back and Chewing gum for the children. The story entitled “Overpaid, Oversexed and Over Here” was all about the GI’s in Britain.

An excellent afternoon of nostalgia and entertainment many members could easily recollect. All in the name of Freemasonry enjoyed by Masonic friends, wives and partners. The next meeting of REMAF will be a coach trip to the Stumble Inn near Lake Vyrnwy on 30th September.  Anyone interested should contact Mike Hendy at [email protected].

New members would be very welcome.


Slide of REMAF’s President Norman Jarvis, and Rina Tillinger with her father on the screen.


Norman thanks Rina for a most enjoyable afternoons talk


The President’s collarets’ jewel