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Provincial Information trailer at Ashford on the Map – Report

Middlesex Freemasons In The Community – Ashford on the Map 2016

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Our first outing of the Summer Season was a return to Ashford On The Map on Sunday 5th June.

The weather was extremely kind to us and it was very gratifying to receive a warm welcome from the organisers, to whom we have become familiar and friendly faces.

The sunshine brought out the largest crowds we have seen at this event, enjoying a mix of community stalls and fairground rides, ranged around a central arena in which a variety of community groups performed.

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The displays varied with gymnastics, dancing, the local army cadets marching band and an amazing show by the Essex Dogs Display Team.

On this occasion, the enquiries from men and women were split 50/50 and as an example, I was approached twice by ladies who told me that their husband/brother had become a Freemason, but wouldn’t give them any information about our fraternity, leaving them slightly suspicious.

After chatting to each of them about our values and principles, both took literature away and were much happier.
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We also had enquiries from both men and women about joining and these may come to fruition over time. Our simple presence gives exposure to a large gathering, helping to dispel the old myths and we believe will generate more enquiries about Middlesex Freemasonry.

This was the last event at that College site in Ashford, the site has been sold for development of residential housing and the organisers are looking for a new location for 2017.

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How can you help us promote Freemasonry ?

Do you tow a caravan ? If so, could he help us by towing the trailer occasionally ?

Share your Professional skills – We need guys with experience in Marketing, Graphics, Copy writing and Website/Facebook creation and maintenance in particular to assist with designing and updating display material, posters, literature and an online presence .

Get in touch with our team leader, Richard Alliston, on 07774 988747 to discuss how you can make a personal contribution to the development of Freemasonry in your community.