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On Saturday 16th April 2016, Broadsmith Lodge No.3593 held a Race Night at Wallasey Masonic Hall which helped to raise £2.600.00 in support of the ‘Charlotte’s Brightside’ charity.  The evening was organised by WBro David Marsh Ward PPrJGW and WBro Neil McCrone PPrJGD and was attended by some 70 lodge members and guests.

‘Charlottes Brightside’ was formed as a charity in 2011 by Angie Churchill & her husband Vinny, following the tragic death of their daughter Charlotte in a road traffic collision – Charlotte was only 19yrs of age.

The charity provides a wide range of activities to positively engage children and young people. The aims of the Charity are to advance in life and relieve the needs of young people through the provision of recreational and leisure time activities provided in the interest of social welfare, designed to improve their conditions of life; and providing support and activities which develop their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as mature and responsible individuals.

The Charity’s founders, Angie & Vinny Churchill visited Broadsmith Lodge No.3593 during their festive board on Thursday 28th April 2016 where they were overwhelmed to receive a cheque for £2,600.00 on behalf of the WM & members of the Lodge, from our DC: WBro John Webster PPrJGW  Angie expressed her thanks and complete surprise as to the amount raised and stated that as a result, along with her assistants she would now be able to use half of the money to take 15 local children for a 2-night stay at the outdoor pursuits camp at Colomendy in North Wales.

L to R: W/Bro David Marsh Ward P.Pr.J.G.W. Angie & Vinny Churchill, W/Bro John Webster P.Pr.J.G.W.
L to R: WBro David Marsh Ward PPrJGW Angie & Vinny Churchill, WBro John Webster PPrJGW