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Peter Lowndes on taking the proactive approach

Taking the initiative

Pro Grand Master Peter Lowndes makes the case for a proactive and collaborative approach among Freemasons in order to ensure the future of masonry for generations to come

I have consistently stressed the importance of recruiting high-quality candidates to Freemasonry and then ensuring that they understand what it stands for and how enjoyable it can be. If we are successful in this, we stand every chance of retaining them. Clearly, good mentoring has a key role in retention and I see all Grand Officers playing a significant part. Some will act as lodge mentors or personal mentors, but all of us should assist in this task, particularly where our newer members are concerned so that they enjoy their Freemasonry and want to remain involved.

These are exciting times for all of us to be Freemasons and we can be justly proud of our membership. However, as with any other large organisation, we are constantly looking for ways in which to ensure our future for the generations to come. To do so we must adopt a proactive and collaborative approach.

By proactive, I mean looking at initiatives that we need to be putting into place now to retain our members. Above all we must clearly demonstrate to non-masons that we are a relevant and outward-facing organisation in today’s society. And by collaborative, I mean that we work closely with Metropolitan, Provincial and District Grand Lodges to mutually agree plans for the future.

Some of you are already part of your executive teams but whatever your role within the hierarchy and the responsibilities you hold or will hold, please remember you are all members of the English Constitution with a common cause working together to ensure the future of Freemasonry.

 ‘We must clearly  demonstrate to  non-masons that  we are relevant and  outward facing’