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Grand Sovereign installed Right Illustrious Knight Alan John Baverstock as the new Intendant-General for Oxfordshire, Berkshire, and Buckinghamshire

New Intendant-General Installed

09 Jun 2016

The Grand Sovereign, Most Illustrious Knight Graham Leslie Flight, G.C.C., was in attendance at the annual meeting of the Thames Division of the Red Cross of Constantine on Saturday 04 June 2016 at Aylesbury Masonic Hall.

(L-R) Grand Sovereign, Intendant General, Deputy Intendant General

The temple was full to capacity, and the bar area had to be utilised to accommodate all those who wished to dine.In the morning, the Grand Sovereign installed Right Illustrious Knight Alan John Baverstock as the new Intendant-General for Oxfordshire, Berkshire, and Buckinghamshire. The new Intendant-General then appointed and Installed Very Illustrious Knight Ron Bridger as his Deputy.During luncheon, the Intendant-General presented the Grand Sovereign with a cheque from the Division for the sum of £500 for his Care for Children Fund.

This was immediately followed by Right Illustrious Knight Rodney Staines, K.C.C. in his capacity as Admiral of The University Board of the Korcs, presenting a further cheque for £600.The afternoon session saw the Intendant-General appointing and investing the Divisional Officers for 2016-17. During his address the Intendant-General paid tribute to his predecessor Right Illustrious Knight The Rev’d Timothy John Nicholas L’Estrange who, at Grand Imperial Conclave in July will be invested as Grand Eusebius of the Order.