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Middlesex Masons Donate £26,880 to Charities

Middlesex Masons Donate £26,880 to Charities

W. Bro John Briggs, Provincial Grand Charity Steward has had a busy time both collecting and donating funds raised by Middlesex Masons.

In total £26,880 has been raised and donated, as follows:-

Fulcorn Lodge, No. 4791 – £5,000 to The 2020 Festival

Middlesex Masonic Charity – £4,880 to Michael Sobell Hospice for a moto-med exercise bike

Middlesex Masonic Charity – £17,000 to The 2020 Festival

To read more about the Middlesex Masonic Charity click HERE

W Bro Sanjay Mehta Charity Steward (L); W Bro Sandeep Berry WM (C) W Bro John Briggs ProvGChStwd (R)
W Bro Sanjay Mehta Charity Steward (L); W Bro Sandeep Berry WM (C) W Bro John Briggs ProvGChStwd (R)

W Bro Adrian Howorth Chairman of the Middlesex Masonic Charity (L) W Bro John Briggs ProvGChStwd (R)

W Bro Adrian Howorth Chairman of the Middlesex Masonic Charity (L); Representatives of Michael Sobell Hospice; W Bro John Briggs ProvGChStwd (R)


W Bro Adrian Howorth Chairman of the Middlesex Masonic Charity (L); W Bro John Briggs ProvGChStwd (R)

W Bro Adrian Howorth Chairman of the Middlesex Masonic Charity (L); W Bro John Briggs ProvGChStwd (R)