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Middlesex Freemasons In The Community – Shepperton 2016

Middlesex Freemasons In The Community – Shepperton 2016
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This was our first visit to this event, so we had no expectations, but a good deal of curiosity.

The venue in Manor Park, which adjoins the river, was well organised and we saw some familiar faces amongst other stall holders.

In our case, we believe familiarity to helps to breed acceptance and we were well received.

The weather was kind to us all day with just the lightest of showers once, or twice during the course of the day, but also a great deal of sunshine which brought out the crowd in very good numbers.

The Fair was a mix of commercial stalls, charity stalls and food, with exhibitors of classic cars, steam engines, farm animals and a central arena for performances by a motorbike Chapter, dancers, gymnastics and ponies.

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As we expected, there was a good deal of curiosity about our presence and we noted people walking by were looking at our stand and commenting.

A fair number stopped and came over to talk to us, many expressing surprise to see us “out in the open”.

This simple fact suggests we had achieved part of our objective.

The conversations ranged from people’s perceptions of ‘secrecy’ to widows of masons saying hello and some lady Masons greeting us well.
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Quite a lot of literature was taken away and we also handled prospective membership enquiries.

For a first visit, it was a good, rewarding day and we are also aware from experience that our visit next year will most likely generate a higher number of enquiries.

Our thanks go to Keith Gregory and Peter Lawrence for their help on the day.

Next Outing –

Ickenham Festival on Saturday 18th June ( ) – come and say hello !

How can you help us promote Freemasonry ?

Do you tow a caravan ? If so, could he help us by towing the trailer occasionally ?

Share your Professional skills – We need guys with experience in Marketing, Graphics, Copy writing and Website/Facebook creation and maintenance in particular to assist with designing and updating display material, posters, literature and an online presence .

Get in touch with our team leader, Richard Alliston, on 07774 988747 to discuss how you can make a personal contribution to the development of Freemasonry in your community.