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Message from our Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals

With the Festive Season and 2016 fast approaching I would like to extend my thanks to all three Groups on the Fylde for their support in the first part of this season. The Vice Chairmen and Royal Arch leads have co-ordinated the Enhanced Exaltation demonstrations which have been well received and indeed several exaltations have been performed in Chapters using the enhanced workings. The reaction has been extremely positive from everyone who has witnessed the work and particularly appreciated by the new candidates. I have to express my gratitude to the hard work and commitment of all the demonstration team who have given their valuable time to show how positive and dramatic the exaltation experience can be. In addition the ‘Talking Heads’ presentation in Lodges has also proved successful in giving non Royal Arch Masons a greater understanding of what this colourful degree is all about. Several craft masons have now committed themselves to joining the Royal Arch and with further presentations in the New Year there will hopefully be an opportunity for more non Royal Arch masons to take a closer look at what is the final and important chapter in their progress in Antient Freemasonry. I must once again thank the team of Bro. Paul Darlington and W.Bro. John Cross for the splendid way they have approached the presentations and their time commitment and skill in delivering the content. I am sure with your continued support Companions, in 2016, Royal Arch masonry on the Fylde will thrive as more and more brethren learn about this wonderful order and why it should be the next degree all masons should consider joining after the Craft. Please continue to enjoy your Freemasonry in all it’s various forms but in particular the Royal Arch. On behalf of my wife Anne and myself may we wish you and your loved ones a very merry Christmas time and above all a happy, healthy and peaceful new year.

E.Comp. David Randerson P.G.Std.B.,

Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals