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Market Rasen Freemasons support LIVES and Polio charities with Donations

Worshipful Master of Bayons Lodge, Nathan Barnes, left, and charity steward Edward Backus presented 750 to Mick Harper, chairman of the Lincolnshire Branch of the British Polio fellowship, and Richard Spence of LIVES EMN-171120-091227001

Market Rasen Freemasons have paid out £1,500 from their charity fund to support two good causes.

Every year, lodges across the county can nominate two charities to receive funds and last year the town’s Bayons Lodge chose LIVES and the Lincolnshire Branch of the British Polio Fellowship.

Worshipful Master Nathan Barnes said: “We are delighted to be supporting two such worthy causes.”

Charity Steward, Edward Backus added: “They say charity begins at home and it is nice when you can support local charities.”

Rasen resident Mick Harper contacted polio at the age of six and is now chairman of the Lincolnshire Branch of BPF.

He said: “We have 50 members in our branch, but across the UK there are 120,000 people suffering from the late effects of polio.

“This money will be used to help fund transport costs for trips and is very much appreciated.”

Richard Spence accepted the cheque for £750 on behalf of LIVES.

He said: “This money will be spent to help run local LIVES groups and for continuing training.

“We do see an increase in call outs inland over the winter period, especially over the Wolds with RTCs.

“But it isn’t just major trauma, we also go out to falls etc – we can be with that person in their hour of need.”