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Marching for children’s home – South Africa

Marching for children’s home

The purpose of Child Protection Week and the march was to signify children’s rights and to see their rights are met

May 31, 2016

Children and Freemasons march through Volksrust, raising awareness about children’s rights.

VOLKSRUST traffic came to a standstill on Saturday morning, as children from Louis Hildebrandt Children’s Home marched to the police station from Volksrust Town Hall.

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Alta van Heerden, manager of the home, explained the march was held as part of Child Protection Week.

“The purpose of Child Protection Week and the march was to signify children’s rights and to see their rights are met,” she said.

Volksrust Freemasons helped the children’s home during the march by raising funds.

Gary Lavarack of the Freemason Fidelity Lodge, said they decided to support the initiative, as the masons believed in helping the community and its children.

“The children’s home always needs money, as grants are not enough to cover all the running costs. The home relies on donations, therefore, every form of public participation, such as the march, not only helps raise funds, but also provides things for them to do, allowing them to grow up in a normal environment as much as possible,” he said.