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A Local Grand Master Edward Cavendish, 10th Duke of Devonshire | Sheffield Masonic Study Circle

Sheffield Masonic Study Circle


A Local Grand Master

Edward Cavendish, 10th Duke of Devonshire was born in 1895. He served as a Captain with the Derbyshire Yeomanry during the First World War. He served in the Dardanelles campaign and later in France attached to Military Intelligence. He was twice mentioned in dispatches and in 1919 he served on the British Peace Delegation that attended the signing of the Treaty Of Versailles and was awarded an MBE, he also became a knight of the French Legion Of Honour. After the war he continued to serve with his regiment and was promoted Major in 1932 and became Lieutenant Colonel in 1935, he was also Honorary Colonel of the 6th Battalion of the Sherwood Foresters and the Anti-Aircraft Battalion of the Royal Engineers. He was also awarded the Territorial Decoration for his service.

He stood for Parliament twice in 1918 and again in 1922 before gaining a seat in 1923 and holding it until he succeeded to his father’s peerage and entered the House of Lords. He was also a Minister in Winston Churchill’s wartime government as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for India and Burma 1940-1942 and the Colonies 1942-1945.

He also held several civil posts including Chairman of the Overseas Settlement Board, High Steward of the University of Cambridge and Chancellor of the University of Leeds. He also had company directorships with The Alliance Insurance Company and the Bank of Australasia and served as President of the Zoological Society of London

He was Initiated into Hartington Lodge No. 916 in Eastbourne on 5th November 1916 at the age of 24, Passed on 12th December 1919 and Raised 9th January 1920. He was also a member of Dorothy Vernon Lodge No. 2129 in Bakewell, Royal Colonial Institute Lodge No. 3556 in London, United Lodge No. 1629 in London, Tyrian Lodge No. 253 in Derby and Royal Alpha Lodge No. 16 in London and remained a member of all but one of these until his death. In Royal Arch he was a member of Phoenix Chapter of St. Ann No. 1235 in Buxton and Westminster and Keystone Chapter No. 10 in London.

He received Provincial Grand Rank in the Province of Derbyshire in 1928 when he was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden and served as Provincial Grand Master from 1939-1947. Royal Arch Grand Rank was attained in 1947 when he was appointed Second Grand Principal and from 1947-1950 he served as First Grand Principal.

He was honoured with Grand Rank and appointed Senior Grand Warden 1929-1930, Deputy Grand Master in 1947 and Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England from 1947-1950.

The life of Edward Cavendish can be seen as one of service both to his Country and the Craft and he can rightly be seen as an example we’d all do well to follow.