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Light Blues travel overseas to visit three Cypriot Lodges – Province of Leicestershire and Rutland Freemasons.

Light Blues travel overseas to visit three Cypriot Lodges



The visiting Brethren and Master and DC of Lakeside Lodge

In April 2016, two Leicestershire and Rutland Light Blue Club members, Bros. Dominic Rapsey and Baz Keshwala, both of Highcross Lodge No.4835, took a trip to Cyprus to soak up some mediterranean sunshine and some Freemasonry.

During the trip, their host Bro. Karl Coles, from Edward Sherrier Lodge No.6757 which meets in Lutterworth but now lives in Cyprus, had arranged visits to three quite different English Constitution (District Grand Lodge of Cyprus) lodges on the Island.

The first visit was to Lakeside Lodge No.9869 meeting in Paralimni, which was consecrated in 2012, and comprises mainly of members from the Islands expat community. They witnessed an excellent initiation ceremony followed by the annual St. Georges Day Festive Board, which included parading the Beef for the Master to sample which was lead by Bro. Karl Coles who represented a Knight of St George. Bro. Dominic Rapsey said: “It was a fantastic evening, and very well attended by a lot of Lodge members and Visitors, with a large party from Buckinghamshire including the Provincial Grand Master and Deputy Provincial Grand Master present.”

The Second visit was to Lusignan Lodge No.7453 meeting in Nicosia for a Raising ceremony. The lodge was consecrated in 1956 and named after the the House of Lusignan which ruled Cyprus in the 12th Century. Lusignan Lodge members are mainly Greek Cypriot and after the ceremony the Brethren enjoyed a Festive Board of squid, octopus and other traditional Cypriot food. It was another great evening where the visiting Brethren were made very welcome.

The final visit was to Lord Kitchener Lodge No.3402, a Military Lodge meeting at the Dhekelia Garrison near Larnaca which was originally consecrated in Egypt before transferring to Cyprus in 1955. They saw a Passing ceremony delivered with military precision and after an enjoyable festive board in one of the billets.

It was a fantastic trip for the Brethren and no doubt they will return again with hopeful more Light Blue Club members.