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Junior’s life will be transformed with amazing donation by Freemasons – Province of Leicestershire and Rutland Freemasons.

Junior’s life will be transformed with amazing donation by Freemasons

Two year old Junior, who was born with cerebral palsy, won the hearts of all those present at a recent charity award ceremony held by the Leicestershire and Rutland Freemasons as he determinedly walked the length of the room, with the aid of special walking sticks, to collect a donation of £2,310 on behalf of the members of the Granite Lodge No.2028, which meet in Leicester, and the Leicestershire and Rutland Masonic Charity Association.

Cerebral palsy affects the part of the brain responsible for the control of body movement senses, co-ordination and muscle tone and it is estimated that 1 in 400 babies in the UK  are born with cerebral palsy. Junior was diagnosed with cerebral palsy 11 months after he was born and as he grew has suffered from muscle and joint stiffness in his legs.

Richard Barnett from Granite Lodge said: “Junior’s Journey was chosen by the Lodge to support because of the heart warming story and pure dedication shown by Rosie, the family and friends, in raising money to improve Junior’s quality of life. When the suggestion was put before the lodge, it was quickly agreed that we would hold a raffle as well as receive donations from individual lodge members.”

Junior’s mum, Rosie Exon, who lives in Shepshed, Leicestershire said: “The kindness and generosity of the Freemasons has been extremely overwhelming and the donation will make a massive difference to Junior’s rehabilitation. Junior has recently undergone an operation known as selective dorsal rhizotomy which means they go into the spine, take a piece of bone out and cut the damage nerves that are sending the bad signals from brain to the legs. This has enabled him to walk flat-footed. However his legs are still quite weak and he has to build his strength every single day. The money will go towards transforming one of the rooms in our house into his very own physio room which will enable him to keep his strength and mobility going. Thank you to all of the Freemasons for their amazing help and support.”

The Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. David Hagger, who hosted the event said: We are full of admiration for Junior and Rosie and it has been very humbling to be able to support the family via the Tree of Hope charity.” He continued: “I’m proud and delighted that the Leicestershire and Rutland Freemasons continue to make a large contribution to society by helping many children and young people, such as Junior, in the local community.”