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Freemasons provide IT aid for the 110 Squadron Air Training Corps

The Provincial Grand Secretary of Yorkshire North & East Ridings received a request, from the local Air Training Corps Chairman, Mr Peter Snitch, who made an appeal for help in purchasing laptop computers for the Air Training Corps Cadets.

The Provincial Grand Secretary asked for a local Lodge to see if any help can be given. Beacon Lodge, No 4362, responded to this appeal and immediately donated £100 towards the cost of the computers.
They boosted this amount, by £400, through a successful grant application submitted to the Provincial Grand Charity.

The total amount donated of £500 enabled a laptop computer to be purchased.

The Air Training Corps Cadets can now improve their understanding of Information Technology by be able to use their brand new laptop, courtesy of the Freemasons of Beacon Lodge, No 4362, in Pocklington

Worshipful Master, W. Bro Nigel Glew, presenting the lodge donation to the Commanding Officer on behalf of his lodge with the Cadets in the background
Worshipful Master, W. Bro Nigel Glew, presenting the lodge donation to the Commanding Officer on behalf of his lodge with the Cadets in the background