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Hawk Group Charity Shoot

Once again this popular event was held at The West Midland Shooting Ground, Hodnet. About 85 shooting guests attended, and we were blessed with good weather.

Light refreshments were served on arrival at 12.30 pm, shooting commenced at 2 pm through to about 4.30 pm, and the day was rounded off with a barbecue, wine and beer.

As usual organiser Frank Jones had sourced good draw prizes from the company’s suppliers which believe me were very attractive – as a result we sold draw tickets at £20.00 per strip, giving us a grand total of £1,600.00 cash. Generous donations from many local companies helped boost the shoot fund and this raised a further £1,185.

The High Gun Trophy and the Hawk Charity Shield was won by Mr John Seal from Stoke-on-Trent.

All cheques were made payable to The Brownlow Lodge 2131 in support of the Shropshire Masonic Festival 2019 Charity Appeal. A cheque for this amount was presented to the Provincial Grand Master by Brownlow Lodge and was very gratefully received!