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Grand Lodge Of Ireland Freemasons’ Hall Revealed: Grand Lodge Of Ireland Freemasons’ Hall

Grand Lodge Of Ireland Freemasons’ Hall

Square and Compass with the Eye Of Providence at the center, surrounded by Sunburst design

Exterior Of the Grand Lodge with Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian and Composite pillars

Located in the heart of Dublin – directly across the street form the Irish Government which currently holds EU Presidency
Front Door on Molesworth Street
Grand Lodge Room , Old Testament Bible. Besides the Old Testament the Qurʼan , Tanakh and Bhagavad Gita are on hand.

Cherubim featuring the Moon and Star icons

All Seeing Eye Of Providence at the top of the wall , positioned to be looking directly at the Throne
Cherubim with Sun Burst Design, copy of the Qurʼan in Arabicon the left
The Throne , Seat of current Grand Master , a position of true power

The chair is placed exactly opposite the Throne, both flanked by a single Boaz pillar

The Throne Of The Grand Lodge, topped with a Royal Crown , Lion’s Heads Armrests , Jachin & Boaz  Pillars on the sides
Grand Lodge Room, with large Oil paintings of Past Masters and other influential Masons

The Egyptian Room also called The Royal Arch Room

Egyptian Pharaoh Heads with 7-tipped Menorah Lamps provide light for night-time ceremonies

Elaborate and beautiful stained glass windows with the Seal Of Solomon provide light during the day

Name Of God in Hebrew inside sunburst Pyramid

The tables in the room featured golden hoofed goats legs of Azazel / Pan / Baphomet / Black Goat of the Woods

The design depicted here, “All Seeing Eye Of God ” , has been removed in favor of The Royal Arch Mason Symbol

Royal Arch Master Mason J. Fox Goodman

Beautiful Triptych Stained Glass Windows dedicated to various Lodges

Stained Glass dedicated to The Shakespeare Lodge

“Charity Never Faileth ”

Queen Victoria Patron Finial above the The Knights Templar Preceptory entrance

The Knights Templar Preceptory

Grand Master’s Chair in the Knights Templar Preceptory

Knights Templar Preceptory

Sculptures of Knights in the arches

Knights Templar Icon in the Floor design

Knights Templar Black & White Ball ballots

Mark Mason Lodge Room

Fireplace in the Mark Mason Lodge Room

Pyramid shaped tables with goats legs, Masonic chair with Level Icon carving

Pentagonal chair with Mark Mason pyramid inside circle icon

Pentagram on vent shaft

Seven Sided Star tiled mosaic on the floor

Lights with 23.5 Degree Pyramid design

Entrance to the Ancient Order Lodge Room

Ancient Order Lodge Room

Fireplace in the Ancient Order Lodge Room

Masonic voting system for induction of new members ; white and black marble balls

Colonel Claude Cane

Square and Compass doorknocker

Masonic Old Testable Bible

Masonic Tools

Masonic regalia and pins featuring the Seal Of Solomon design

Masonic Holy Bible – The Old Testament , Lambskin Apron


Jachin and Boaz Pillars , 3 Masonic Candle Sticks, rough and smooth stones

The mother Pelican pecking her breast to feed her 7 babies. The

pelican feeding her young with her blood is a prominent symbol of the Eighteenth or Rose

Croix Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and was adopted as such from the

fact that the pelican, in ancient Christian art, was considered as the emblem of the


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