Reading Time: 3 minutes

Golden Jubilee for Dunelmians


In life, it’s good to remember our history and practice traditions. A fine example of both amply relate to Durham School, which was founded in 1414, that’s over six hundred years’ worth of history to reflect upon. The historic school buildings and chapel blend in wonderfully into the landscape of the ancient city of Durham with its Castle and Cathedral. Former pupils are known as Old Dunelmians

It was likely that the school’s history and traditions formed an important part of the founders of the Old Dunelmain Lodge. In this particular year of 2016, the Lodge is celebrating its half century, a golden jubilee which has been royally celebrated by its members.

Old Dunelmian Lodge was consecrated on the 4th of June 1966. Its members hold their meetings in the Masonic Hall situated in Old Elvet, Durham City. However, the Installation Banquet from July 1968 was held at the school or the ‘Big School’ as the Old Dunelmians refer to it as after the meeting in the masonic hall.

That was the case until the Installation Meeting in July 1996 when it was held in the ‘Luce Threatre’ Durham School due to the temporary closure of the Masonic Hall in Durham, followed by the banquet in the Big School. This is a wonderful combination, which has become one of the year’s highlights in the masonic calendar. This year’s July installation meeting followed that tradition.

For members and visitors alike you cannot fail to be impressed by the school’s buildings as you enter the court yard and mount the stone steps to the entrance of the Luce Theatre.  The word theatre hardly does justice to the spectacle of a fully formed lodge. You have to imagine that all the walls of the theatre are lined with black curtains, the ceiling and the lighting rigs are black.

Once everyone was in their respective positions the theatre was really alive with gold braid and masonic blue, the mounted ceiling and stage lights illuminated the masonic regalia being worn, the blaze of colour showed the splendour of masonic traditions at its best.

The stage was set and all the players, masonically speaking were in place. Following the formal welcome of the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, David Sanders Hay who on this occasion was representing the Provincial Grand Master.

A brief history of the local was outlined to brethren and their attention was drawn to the fact that there was a booklet celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Old Dunelmian Lodge and is history to date for everyone in attendance.

Michael Saint was then installed as Worshipful Master by the Installing Master, Kenneth Edward Coatsworth Howe. Those looking forward to hearing Kenneth deliver ritual where not disappointed as he continues to communicate in his own impeccable style.

The Master having been installed, his officers appointed and invested the brethren retired to the dining room. A long rectangle room with a high wooden beamed ceiling with various heraldic coats of arms on shields, you could be excused from thinking you had entered the dining room at Hogwarts. There were three rows of tables going the full length of the room that seated on a hundred persons. For many of the ‘Old Dunelmians’ present just like being back to their former school days or visitors it was like going back in time. Memories and acquaintances alike were recounted doing the evening both in groups and during speeches.

A wonderful evening was ended when the ‘Old Dunelmian’ members sang the chorus of the rousing School Song some standing on tables as they belted out the words, ‘Floreat Dunelmia’ several times.

If your ever on the lookout for a fabulous masonic occasion then put this in your diaries for next year, you will not be disappointed.
