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George Farnworth Nuttall Lodge 1405 – WBro George Cattanach 70th !

The meeting was held on Thursday 5th May 2016 at the Masonic Hall, Mill House, Whalley Road, Clayton le Moors, tyled at 6.30 pm.The Lodge was honoured by the presence of the not only the Provincial Grand Master, RWBo Alex Sillars McLaren accompanied by a Provincial Delegation consisting of 16 active members, but also the Deputy Grand Master, RWBro H. Keith Emmerson.

PGM RWBro Alex Sillars McLaren, DepGM RWBro h.Keith Emmerson with WBro Cattanach.

PGM RWBro Alex Sillars McLaren, DepGM RWBro H.Keith Emmerson with WBro Cattanach.

The main item of business was to celebrate the 70th Anniversary in Mark Masonery of WBro George Cattanach. RWBro Keith Emmerson very eloquently and in good hearty manner looked at the history of W.Bro Cattanachs’ working life and his Masonic achievements, spanning 60 years with Royal Ark Mariners, 60 years with Royal Arch, 70 years in the Craft and 70 years as Mark Mason.

WBro George Cattanach did remarkably well in expressing the most important mile stones in his life. The Deputy GM then read out and presented George with the signed certificate of his 70th Anniversary from the Most Worshipful Grand Master His Royal Highness Duke of Kent. This was followed by PGM, RWBro Alex McLaren presenting the signed 70th Certificate from the Province of East Lancashire, together with a gift of cufflinks engraved with a 70th Anniversary Key Stone.

The WM, Bro Chris Maden said a few kind words and presented George with a Tankard and a Framed Certificate from the Lodge. Finally, RWBro Emmerson promoted WBro Cattanach to the rank of Past Grand Junior Deacon and presented him with his collar. This rendered George completely surprised and speechless – congraulations WBro George Cattanach PGJD from all of us !

WBro George Cattanach PGJD with the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren

WBro George Cattanach PGJD with the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro Alexander Sillars McLaren

At the Festive Board WM Bro Chris Maden said he was honoured to be in the Chair and thanked our PGM WBro Alex McLaren, Deputy Grand Master RWBro Keith Emmerson the Provincial Team, Officers of his Lodge and the visitors. A total of 48 Masons dined; the collection for good causes raised £141.80 and the raffle raised the sum of £235.

Report by WBro Sushil Rawal ProvGMO.

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