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Frizington Lodge’s Fifty Year Anniversary Celebration

Event date: 2016-03-29

On the 29th of March 2016, Frizington Lodge 8082 celebrated its fiftieth anniversary at a packed Cleator Moor Civic Hall & Masonic Centre.
After the Lodge was opened, a full Provincial team entered the Lodge lead by the R.W. Provincial Grand Master Bro. Norman James Thompson D.L. After the preliminary business had been taken care of, the PGM accepted the gavel, took the chair, and opened a special meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge.

The highlight of the celebrations was a presentation of the history of the Lodge by W. Bro. M Robson, PAPGM followed by an Oration, read by W. Bro. Reverend R.F. Roeschlaub Provincial Grand Chaplain.
Also present on the evening were two founding members of the Lodge 
W. Bros Benny Walker & Jim Wise.

Before the Lodge was closed, Bro J A Martin W.M. of Frizington Lodge presented a cheque for £1500 to the Provincial Grand Master as a donation to the 2016 RMBI festival.

Contributed by: W.Bro. Dave Denwood