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Freemasons visit Children’s Hospice after £30000 donation

On Wednesday 26th July Cheshire Freemasons were invited to the opening of a fully refurbished bathroom and Wet room at Claire House Children’s Hospice at Clatterbridge on the Wirral. The Red Ribbon was cut by Colin Ross the Provincial Grand Charity Steward who was accompanied by Assistant Provincial Grand Masters for Areas 1 and 2.

Five Months previously on the 2nd March the  Provincial Grand Master of Cheshire Freemasons, RWBro Stephen M. Blank  had presented the Hospice with a cheque for £30,000 on behalf of the Cheshire Freemasons’ Charity (CFC) of which he is also President, to enable Claire House Children’s Hospice to carry out much needed refurbishment and provide the very latest high tec Bathing and audio visual experience to the Children with life limiting illnesses.


L&R: Peter Carroll, Gary Horstman, Stephen M Blank, Jeff Cunningham and Paul Massie survey out of order Bathroom on 2nd March 2017


The Bath features lifting and lowering, Multicoloured LED underwater lighting and full therapeutic Aqua jets

LED lighting cycles through a sequence of colours

The next door is a Wet Room which allows child patients to be transferred from their Care Rooms on a specially designed patient transport trolley

Wet Room and Shower Facility