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Freemasons TLC Teddies make a Difference

We always find it pleasing to hear about the difference the teddies have made. Below is just one example we’ve received in the last few days.

“I wanted to write to tell you about my daughter Abbie. When she had just turned 2 she needed a chest x-ray. Fairly simple task you might think but she is one of the shyest children you could ever meet, and I wasn’t allowed to enter the room with her as I had my 4 month old with me. The amazing NHS nurse noticed her shy nature straight away and she managed to gently take Abbie into the room for her x-ray alone whilst I stood outside the door. This may have been the first time she hadn’t cried when leaving my side. For being so brave the nurse allowed her to choose from a massive draw of teddies. With more coaxing she finally went over and chose Exie, a fabulous pink bear with pink feet and a smart pink bow around her neck. Exie has stayed in Abbie’s bed ever since and is now 11 years old. She is fraying and squished and totally loved, I wish I could send you a photo. What a wonderful thing you do. I would love to buy Exie a friend to play with, do you have a shop or could I send a donation for a bear? If not no problem, I really just wanted to tell you that what you do is wonderful. Thank you for the love of a bear!”

And after we offered to send a bear with our compliments:

“I don’t know what to say! You have me in tears! Honestly your kindness is so very much appreciated and I know Abbie will be completely overwhelmed, as am I. I am so grateful, thank you so much! I am sure Abbie will want to thank you herself too, ”

Having read that we hope your day got just a little bit better smile emoticon🙂