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Freemasons support fundraising for a new bereavement suite at Hereford Hospital

The photo shows Keith Farmer of Dean Waterfield Lodge, Crystal MacAngus of Tesco, and Katie Farmer of the Wye Valley NHS Trust, at the book sale at Tesco, Hereford

Herefordshire Masons have given great support to fundraising for a new bereavement suite at Hereford Hospital, for parents who suffer the loss of a new-born baby. A second hand book and CD sale, during the month of August, has given Wye Valley Trust’s Born Sleeping Appeal a huge boost.

The Tesco store in Belmont has a monthly stall offering second hand books and CDs that have been donated with proceeds given to a chosen charity. In August the Trust’s Born Sleeping Appeal received donations totalling £1,360.

The stall was supported by the local Masonic community who organised volunteers to collect and deliver books as well as asking local lodges to donate books themselves. One Lodge donated over 100 books and also added to the total by selling new books signed by the local author and Freemason, Geoff Wilding.

The Masonic community have and continue to support the Appeal. Katie Farmer, Fundraising manager for Wye Valley NHS Trust said “We are extremely grateful for the continued support we have received. I would especially like to thank Keith Farmer for coordinating a huge number of collections of books, including those from staff at the Hospital.” She added “Our thanks as always to Crystal McAngus from Tesco who never fails to support local good causes.”

The Born Sleeping Appeal is raising funds to provide a dedicated bereavement suite for the maternity unit at Hereford County Hospital. The target is £75,000 and it is hoped this will be reached by the end of 2018.