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Freemasons spread happiness at Per Ells day care centre and celebrate the festival of the Three Kings

Local Freemasons Lodge, White River No 153, recently attended the Per Ells School for Children with special needs in Turis, * to celebrate the Tres Reyes Festival, deliver gifts and hopefully spread a little joy to the school children, and the young at heart who attend the centre. As many will know, this celebration to commemorate the arrival of the three wise men is more important to Spanish children as this is when most receive presents.

All were gathered at the school entrance, eager to get a glimpse of the Three Kings, as they arrived delivering sweets. This is a tradition that has been celebrated in Spain for many centuries, and also in most Spanish speaking countries in the West. The three kings were actually Freemasons dressed for the part and joined by one member of staff.

This Lodge has been coordinating this activity for the last six years and in, addition to presenting gifts to the children, the Lodge supports the school financially, with several large donations over the past six years for building improvements, maintenance, etc.

The Freemasons dressed as the Kings were WBro Keith Alcock and New Mason Bob Harris. The third King was played by a member of staff at the centre.

Together with most of their ladies, the group included W Bros Ian Skipper, Keith Alcock, Frank Wallace, David Watts, Sergio Svalina and our new Initiates Bros Andres Massa and Bob Harris.

Each of the children and youngsters received a present or two and enjoyed the celebrations as do all Spanish children at this time of the year.

*(Per Ells – Amics del discapacitat de Turis – check

If you are interested in Freemasonry, please contact me on the email address given below:

[email protected]