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Freemasons of The Wenning Board of Corks donate £1,000 to Charity

The Wenning Board of Corks, No 3, Morecambe has a membership of just under 100 and only meets every two years. The meeting this year was held at Morecambe Masonic Hall and the members watched as 16 members join the Board.

Pictured from left to right, are: Philip Preston, Chris Butterfield and David Winder.
Pictured from left to right, are: Philip Preston, Chris Butterfield and David Winder.

The Board draws it members from the southern area of Cumbria and the north of Lancashire, some members travelling from as far afield as Liverpool, Ormskirk, St Helens, Kendal and Barrow-in-Furness.

At the meeting, the Admiral Steven Reid presented the Provincial Grand Master of the Craft in West Lancashire Tony Harrison, with two cheques, each for £500, one to the West Lancashire Freemasons’ Charity and one to the MCF 2021 Festival.

As a result of the contributions of members on the evening a further £1,000 was raised, which is also to go towards the 2021 MCF Festival. Everyone certainly enjoyed themselves and a very happy occasion ensued at the festive board.

A few days after the meeting the Ships Writer for the Wenning Board of Korc, Chris Butterfield met up with David Winder APrGM, Vice President MCF 2021 Festival and Philip Preston (Provincial Grand Charity Steward) where he was presented with a certificate to mark the Board achieving Vice Patron status for the MCF 2021 Festival.