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Freemasons of St Mary’s Lodge No. 1763 donate to Aylesbury Vale Prostate Cancer Support Group

On Thursday 16th February Worshipful Master W.Bro. David Kew attended an Aylesbury Vale Prostate Cancer Support Group (AVPCSG) lunch meeting at the ASM Football Stadium, Thame where he presented a cheque for £450 which had been raised through the generosity of all brethren that attended the St Mary’s Christmas meeting festive board.

The W. Masters chosen Charity being Tackle Prostate Cancer (TPC), after having received treatment 3 years ago himself, and has since regularly attended the support group meetings. The cheque was presented to Roger Wootton the International Chairman of Tackle Prostate Cancer also Secretary of the Aylesbury Vale Prostate Cancer Support Group.This makes a total £1,800 donated to the AVPCSG and the TPC within the last 12 months from the St Mary’s Lodge.

(L-R) Roger Wotton receiving a cheque for £450 from W.Bro. David Kew PPrGSwdB