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Freemasons make Donation to the Salvation Army

Burnley and Pendle District Charity Steward, Mark Barlow presents Major Carole Ainsworth with the donated food

Food to the value of £250 was delivered to the Salvation Army Citadel at Nelson on Tuesday 27thNovember, courtesy of the Burnley and Pendle District Freemasons.

The food will be used to make up parcels for those who may be struggling to make ends meet this Christmas. Major Carole Ainsworth of the Salvation Army said, “there are many people in our area, most of whom are small children, who will benefit from the donation this Christmas”.

Said Mark Barlow “Burnley and Pendle District Freemasons have also Donated £250 to the Burnley Citadel, this brings the Total to £1500 over the last 3 years”.

The post Burnley and Pendle District Donation to the Salvation Army appeared first on The Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire.

To find out more about Freemasonry in East Lancashire you can visit their website at

Their contact details are listed below if you want to contact them directly

Provincial Grand Lodge of East Lancashire
Rossendale Masonic Hall
Ashday Lea,
Haslingden Road

Telephone: +44 (0)1223 471586 (answerphone) |
Email: [email protected]

If you want to be a Freemason you must be interested in character building and morality

“Better men make a Better world.” Freemasonry stresses honour, personal responsibility and personal integrity

You should be able to commit to Monthly/bi-monthly gatherings at lodges.

Reasons to become a Freemason in East Lancashire
You want to make new friendships
You want to develop yourself
You want to make a positive contribution to society