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Freemasons make donation to St Mary’s Hospice in Ulverston

Assistant Provincial Grand Master David Grainger together with Furness and South Lakeland Group Chairman Peter Schofield visited St Mary’s Hospice in Ulverston to mark the latest donation made to that worthy cause by the Masonic Charitable Foundation. For several years the national Masonic charity has made a donation to each hospice in the country. This year St Mary’s received the sum of £1,810.

Pictured from left to right, are; Peter Schofield, Barry Saunders, Charlotte Windle, Bob Woods and David Grainger.

David commented: “St Mary’s Hospice is very much a highly regarded part of the Furness community. As members of that community it is only right that some of the monies given by our members supports this worthwhile cause. Indeed not only has the annual donation been made to the hospice movement but air ambulances nationally, including our own North West Air Ambulance, have once again received a donation from the Masonic Charitable Foundation on our behalf. The Masons of South Cumbria are pleased and proud to be able to offer our support to these wonderful organisations.”

Charlotte Windle, the area fund raiser for the hospice, also received a donation from the Grange-over-Sands based Arthur John Brogden Lodge No 1715. Lodge member Barry Saunders had organised a fund-raising evening and attended with charity steward Bob Woods to present Charlotte with a cheque for £2,063, being the proceeds of that event. Together the donations amounted to £3,873. Charlotte said: “Once again the Masons have shown their support for the hospice. We are very grateful for their continued backing of St Mary’s.” Barry added: “It is very pleasing that the amount we have donated to the hospice this year is double the sum which we managed to raise last year. We are already preparing for our fundraising evening in 2018 when we again hope to improve on this year’s total.”