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Freemasons make £1,000 donation to Merebrook Infant School

(l to r): Executive Headteacher Soheila Mathison, Graham Mitchell from Roman Way Lodge and his step daughter Jo Beckett holding the cheque, alongside Forest School Lead Carol Lawson, Teaching Assistant Lisa Randall and Head of School Tracy Hurwood. together with some of the children

The links formed by Roman Way Lodge No. 9533 in Buckinghamshire with local schools has benefitted Merebrook Infant School, with the donation of £1,000 to establish a ‘Forest Schools’ initiative

The ‘Forest Schools’ initiative aims to build confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in the school, outdoors and in the natural environment.

Graham Mitchell from the lodge worked closely with Merebrook’s Head of School Tracy Hurwood to establish the project. Roman Way’s Secretary Mick Hull then approached the Buckinghamshire Masonic Centenary Fund for support for the scheme, which has provided clothing and equipment to allow the project to go ahead.

Merebrook Infant School in Milton Keynes has 128 students between the ages of four and seven years, amongst whom there is a high percentage of disadvantaged and looked after children. The donation will ensure that all children will be able to benefit from the initiative.

Head of School Tracey Hurwood commented: ‘This is a very generous donation from Buckinghamshire Freemasons and will make such a difference to the children. We are all extremely grateful.’