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Freemasons Lodge of Old Clee Presents £500 Cheque to Grimsby Bowel Cancer Support Group

Lodge of Old Clee Presents Cheque

W Bro Alwyn Onley, on behalf of The Lodge of Old Clee, presents a cheque for £500 from the New Provincial Benevolent Fund, to Mr. Jim White, chairman of the Grimsby Area Bowel Cancer Survivorship Support Group.

The group was originally set up about three years ago by specialist nurses and patients of the Diana Princess of Wales Hospital in Grimsby to assist survivors of bowel cancer in their post operation years, by talking to others in the same situation. This proved to be such a great success helping survivors to regain their confidence.

The group not only provides a forum for discussion, conversation and social networking, but also tangible and practical help when needed.

Further information of the group may be obtained by telephoning 01469 5759.