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Freemasons Help ‘The Children’s Adventure Farm Trust’

L to R – Bro Mike O’Brien, Rob Bashforth, WBro Mike Coles, PAGStB, (MMF Chairman)

Rob Bashforth and staff at the Childrens Adventure Farm Trust were delighted to be presented with a fantastic cheque for £850 from representatives of the Master Masons Forum.

The funds had been raised at the very successful MMF Sunday Lunch that was held on the 29th October 2017 at Christleton. Thanks to the generosity of all who attended the event, this incredible figure was raised.

Rob gave Bro Mike O’Brien and WBro Mike Coles a tour of the Adventure Farm buildings and grounds and explained how important the funding is for their charity. The money will be used to help children discover ‘The Children’s Adventure Farm Trust’ a world of caring at the wonderful adventure farm.