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Freemasons donation to help expansion of School’s Bee-Keeping project

On Thursday 1st November, Olive Union Lodge No 1304 invited representatives of the NPBF grants to receive their cheques of £750.00.

Mr Grant Edgar, Headteacher of Banovallum School thanked the Lodge members and explained that the monies would go towards the expansion of the School’s Bee-Keeping project. The students had identified the fact that pollination by bees is fundamental to our survival and that numbers were in decline. They had raised some funds to buy hives, and the grant from NPBF would ensure the project could be ongoing. Hopefully, the sale of honey would soon make the project self-funding.

Pictured are L to R: W Bro Martin Reeve, Mr Grant Edgar, Headteacher of Banovallum School and W Bro David Clarke, Lodge WM

Mrs Mary Silverton of the Horncastle History and Heritage Society could not attend, but has received the cheque by post.