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Freemasons donate £1,312 to Zoë’s Place baby hospice

Assistant Provincial Grand Masters Kevin Poynton and Derek Parkinson along with Woolton Group Chairman Andrew Whittle have many duties to perform in their busy schedules and indeed, they had a pleasant and informative engagement when they attended Zoë’s Place baby hospice.

The cheque.

They visited the hospice to make a presentation on behalf of the Masonic Charitable Foundation in the form of a cheque for £1,312 and to receive the cheque on behalf of the hospice was fund raising manager Carol Kirkham

The MCF have recently made donations to 13 hospices’ in the Province of West Lancashire totalling over £31,000.

Zoë’s Place was founded by Professor Jack Scarisbrick and became a reality in February 1995. The first hospice was opened in Liverpool after raising the necessary funds and finding suitable premises. Its opening signified the beginning of a unique and much needed service. Zoë’s Place provides a home-from-home environment for the respite and palliative care of babies from ages 0-5 with life-threatening or life-limiting conditions.

Article and photographs by Doug Lace.

Pictured from left to right. are: Kevin Poynton, Carol Kirkham, Andrew Whittle and Derek Parkinson.