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Freemasons donate £10000 helping 10 Charities

Delphis Lodge donate £10,000 to local charities for Tercentenary

Delphis Lodge has made a major contribution to the Tercentenary celebrations by donating £10,000 to local charities.

Representatives of 10 local charities were invited to a special event at Hereford’s Masonic Hall in Kyrle Street to receive their donations. The Charity Steward of Delphis Lodge, W Bro David Knowles, welcomed them and invited them to speak for a few minutes about their organisations. Each made a very interesting short presentation about their work, following which each one was presented with a cheque for £1,000 by the Master of the Lodge, W Bro Roy Davies.

Following the presentations from the charities the Provincial Grand Master for Herefordshire, RW Bro the Rev’d David Bowen, and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Bro Mike Roff, gave a short history of Freemasonry in general and the Province of Herefordshire in particular. They emphasised the importance of charity in Freemasonry, with more than £33million being collected and donated nationally each year. All this money comes from Freemasons and their immediate connections, and no money is raised from the public in general.

Following a talk on the history of the Kyrle Street building by a long-standing member of Delphis Lodge, W Bro Tony Weal, all enjoyed a buffet lunch, and the opportunity to discuss with each other the issues they face in carrying out charitable work in the county.  They all warmly thanked the members of Delphis Lodge for their generosity and for the opportunity to meet together at Hereford’s Masonic Hall.

The charities receiving donations were: Alzheimer’s Society, Close House Youth Centre, Drybridge Day Care Centre, Hereford Deaf Children’s Society, MacMillan Renton Unit, Marie Curie, Mind, Riding for the Disabled, Scouts, Yeleni Support Centre

Top photo : members of Delphis Lodge with representatives of the 10 charities in the Lodge room at Hereford. Lower photo: the PGM addresses the gathering.