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Freemasons Charity Lunch Raises over £5000

From right to left: WM David Lewis, Mrs Carolyn Lewis, Simon Lewis, Mrs Alex Lewis with baby Penny


Every Penny Counts Campaign

The Worshipful Master of Cheshire Farmers Lodge, David Lewis, his wife, Carolyn, son Simon and daughter-in -law Alex hosted a Charity Lunch on Sunday 29th July at Park Farm, Crewe Green.

There were 160 guests made up of Masons, their wives, other family, and friends who were all accommodated in a large marquee that was the venue of David’s nephew’s wedding the day before.

All enjoyed a sumptuous meal and dessert through which there was plenty of wine and good conversation.

The event was instigated following the birth of Simon and Alex’s daughter Penny on 20th February, 11 weeks premature weighing just 2 pounds who received incredible care by the premature baby unit at Leighton Hospital, Crewe.

An auction of promises was held afterward and the guests ‘raised the bar’ with some spirited bidding for some generously donated lots. After paying the expenses and with some donations still to come in, it looks as if the total raised will be more than £5000!

The charities nominated by the Lewis family are;

BLISS – a charity which supports premature babies and their families. It also funds vital research.

EPILEPSY ACTION – who provide support and expert advice for those suffering from epilepsy.

TLC – The Masonic Teddies for Loving Care.

The family would like to thank all involved in making the day a huge success.