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Freemasons Charity Cycle Ride raises £600 for the British Heart Foundation

Paul (left) and Andy arrive in Brighton

Paul (left) and Andy arrive in Brighton

Andy Palmer was installed as Master of United Service Lodge No. 3124 for the second time in October 2016. He wanted to do something to assist the lodge’s charitable work during his year in office. In a moment of madness he decided to sign up for the London to Brighton Cycle ride. To say he is a keen cyclist is stretching the point – a ‘Sunday’ cyclist is nearer the mark.

Not put off by the fifty-four mile distance, and the dreaded Ditching Beacon, he challenged other lodge members to join him. Not surprisingly volunteers were few but Paul Lingwood, a relatively new member of Andy’s lodge, rose to the challenge. Accordingly they met early on the 18th June at Clapham Common to peddle the fifty-four miles to the seaside.

On the hottest day of the year so far, they set off with thousands of other cyclists, arriving in Brighton late in the afternoon. Most importantly, with generous donations from workmates, family and lodge members, they raised some £600 for the British Heart Foundation.

Paul and Andy with their medals

Paul and Andy with their medals

After the ride Andy said: “If I suggest raising money for charity again, let’s just have a Sunday lunch”.