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Freemasons Charity BBQ at Malvern raises £1,600

An amazing Saturday afternoon with thunder storms passing either side of the garden of Jill and Tony Duke at the foot of the Malvern Hills left their garden bathed in lovely warm sunshine.

Almost one hundred supporters filled the garden to enjoy a most splendid BBQ with delicious food and plenty to drink. Tony and Jill, together with their family, have deservedly built up a bit of a reputation for the quality of their hospitality and so it’s not surprising so many people turned out on a day when the weather forecast was less than favourable.

A raffle with lots of prizes donated by those attending coupled with a voluntary entry fee raised £1600 which has been split between the Malvern Scouts and the local Heart Start Program. A marvellous result for local charities.

Knowing how much it means to local charities to have the support of the community we offer warm congratulations and thanks to Tony and Jill, not forgetting the family, for once again opening their garden for the enjoyment of their many friends whilst raising much-needed finance for such worthy local charities.