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Freemasons £750 donation to Sheffield Children’s Hospital A&E Department

On 12th September W. Bro. Peter Taylor presented  A cheque for £750 and certificate to staff nurses at Sheffield Children’s Hospital Accident & Emergency Department  and the Head of the Charity Fund Raising Department at the hospital, the money will go towards purchasing a 3-D games console and a mixture of games for the use of the older sick children who are too old for teddies, Sheffield admits children up to 15 years of age.

The total amount presented was £750.00 made of £500.00 from the province and a further £250.00 from the Brethren of Concordia Lodge at Tapton Hall, Sheffield. Peter and the brethren of Concordia lodge were the first to introduce TLC into the Province in 2008 and the province has been indebted to Peter for his commitment to helping the children at Sheffield Children’s Hospital.

Staff at the hospital were overjoyed and commented that without their regular teddies delivery life would be a lot harder.

Below is a letter received from

Julie Morcombe Emergency Depertment Fund Raising at Sheffiled,

which says it all: 

Dear Peter,

Thank you for coming into the department last week to meet with myself and Gemma from the Charity office. It was good to see you again and hear of all the excellent fund raising that the Masons have undertaken in the past and are planning in the future.

I was especially pleased to hear that you are planning a special fund raising event in aid of the emergency department. The generous teddy donations that you have made over many years have been very well received by so many ill and injured children who have attended the department. As I mentioned we would very much like to improve the play and distraction facilities for older children who visit the department. Nicola Ryan  (our play specialist) has suggested that a games console and games would be ideal and provide hours of entertainment for this age group. Nicola has complied details of a suitable console and games  – all of which can be purchased from Argos and she has included codes and costs which I have attached. I hope that this will be helpful.

Once again many thanks for you kind support over the year.

kind regards
