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Freemasons £2,000 donation to help young care leavers

The Nene Valley Care Trust (NVCT) – which helps young people leaving care in Peterborough and the Nene Valley towards education, training, accommodation and jobs – has received a cheque for £2,000 from David Burton, on behalf of Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire Freemasons, writes Craig Bunday from Peterborough Freemasons.

Left to right: from NVCT – Denis Chamberlain, Sir David Arculus, Angela Macdougall and Annie Chamberlain; then, centre, David Burton presents the cheque to NVCT founding trustee Lady Anne Arculus; Jonathon Shelton, past WM, Gareth Casey, current WM, Mervyn Roberts, charity steward, Petriburg Lodge and, extreme right, Quentin Macdougall, trustee and treasurer of NVCT.

David is a member of the Petriburg Lodge in Peterborough, which raised £600 for the charity during last year.

This was subsequently topped up with further Lodge donations to £1,000. They then applied to the Freemasons own Provincial Grand Charity to have the figure doubled and were successful as it was deemed a very worthy cause.

Lady Anne Arculus, who is one of the founding trustees of the charity, thanked David and his fellow members for their continuing support.

Lady Arculus explained: “We are very much a local charity giving 10 young people in this city each year and 15 more in the Nene Valley the practical help and guidance they need as they lack normal family love and guidance. We give the help the State cannot afford to give. This generous support from the Petriburg Lodge is both welcome and greatly appreciated. This and every donation go directly to helping young people.”

NVCT is totally privately funded and receives no state help whatsoever. Lady Arculus further commented that NVCT would be very pleased to hear from anyone who would like to help with its work in supporting these disadvantaged young people as they try to make their way in the world on their own.

Further information is available from Mrs Priscilla Padley, chairman of the NVCT – [email protected] or visit

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