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Fitting End to a Great Year – Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham

As the working year for the Acting Officers of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Durham came to a close, what better way to celebrate a job well done for the 2015/16 Officers than to be part of a full Provincial Deputation to Cuneceastre Chapter held at Chester-Le-Street.

First Principal, Craig Pattinson opened the convocation before Andrew Dixon, Provincial Director of Ceremonies entered the chapter room to announce the Most Excellent Grand Superintendent, Norman Eric Heaviside accompanied by a Full Deputation of Provincial Grand Chapter Officers was at the door demanding admission.

First business of the evening was to ballot and Exalt Sean McClean, an excellent ceremony was performed by the three Principals, Craig Pattinson, Stephen Wallis and Alan Oliver along with some exemplary work performed by Gary Walter, David Battensby and George Ellison.

On completion the Grand Superintendent and the Deputation were further treated to flawless renditions of the three Royal Arch Lectures.

Before closure Craig Pattinson carried through a notice of motion, to make their retiring Visiting Grand Lodge Officer, David Grice, a hounary member of Cuneceastre Chapter as a mark of thanks for his support and attendance throughout the years.

After greetings and salutations were given by the Grand Superintendent, Eric gave a note of thanks for a truly wonderful ceremony, before being handed a generous cheque for the 2021 Festival. With the business of the Convocation attended to the chapter was then closed and the Deputation paraded out.

A most excellent evening was then finished off, downstairs at the festive board with the usual warm Chester-Le-Street welcome and hearty meal from their kitchen along with the famous large bowls of trifle that are past around for all to fill their bowls to the rim.

A fitting way for the Acting Officers to sign off and well done to all at Cuneceastre for making the evening so memorable.